
…to the Roman Archaeology Conference website

RAC is the premier international conference devoted to Roman archaeology. It is organised by the Roman Society every two years, in collaboration with a host venue, and attracts a broad international audience. The first conference was held in Reading in 1995.

The Society aims to expand the reach of the conference by holding it alternately in Britain and on the continent (2012: Frankfurt; 2016: Rome; and 2022: Split).

RAC / TRAC 2026 will be held in Aarhus, Denmark. The Call for Sessions is now open here!

Conference proceedings are not published, but many of the sessions appear as monographs in the Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series. Go to the JRA website at http://journalofromanarch.com/



The Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (which is held annually) normally collaborates with the Society to hold a combined RAC/TRAC every second year.

Next: RAC 2026


RAC/TRAC 2026 will be held in Aarhus, Denmark