The Call for Sessions has now closed
Call for Sessions
The RAC2020 Executive Committee is pleased to invite proposals for themed conference sessions.
A RAC session should consist of 4 to 6 presentations (double-sessions and half-sessions will be considered)
- Presentations should last no longer than 30 minutes
- Speakers are asked to leave sufficient time at the end of their papers for questions from the audience, though time for more general discussion can also be included at the end of sessions
- The official conference languages are English, French, German, Spanish and Italian
Proposals to organise conference sessions should include the following information:
- Title of the session
- Name, affiliation, postal address and email of the proposer(s)
- A short description of the theme or subject area of the session (not more than 300 words)
- A list of up to 6 proposed speakers and titles/themes of their presentations, indicating in each case if the speakers have confirmed their participation in the session*
The Roman Archaeology Conference will have a full session devoted to Roman Britain, and several full sessions dealing with Illyricum, but also other regions of the Roman Empire (organisers are sought for these), as well as a general session for any papers that do not correspond with a themed session (organised by the Executive Committee).
* Speakers put forward for a conference session will need to submit an outline of their presentation for the Call for Papers. Session proposers are reminded that successful session submissions will be advertised to encourage other speakers to apply to join their session. The final programme of speakers will be decided by the Executive Committee together with the session proposers (announced in October 2019)
The deadline for the submission of session proposals is 1 June 2019
Submissions should sent by email to the RAC Executive Committee:
Session proposals will be considered by the RAC Executive Committee and sessions proposers will be informed of the Committee’s decision by email. The Conference schedule will be announced by mid June 2019.
A Call for Papers will follow in June/July 2019.
This is a participative conference where more than half the delegates are speaking, so all delegates are expected to pay the conference fee. This helps keep the fees as low as possible and also maximises participation and engagement.
The total registration fee for all three days of the Conference is as follows:
Early bird (until 31.1.20)/ Standard
Full price: £110 / £130
Member: £90 / £110
Student: £70 / £90
A registration fee for delegates who will attend the Conference only for one day is also available. The daily conference fee is £50.